Protect Yourself and Skin This Summer

How to protect your body from the summer heat and rays.


Val Salinas

6/25/20242 min read

brown wooden lounger near body of water
brown wooden lounger near body of water

Summer season is here. With rising temperatures, sunnier and longer days, beach getaways, and outdoor activities, our bodies are exposed to prolonged UV radiation and heat.

Did you know that UV radiation is stronger during the summer months because of the direct angle of the rays, which leads to more severe sunburns and skin damage, and anyone can develop skin cancer?

People with less pigment in their skin, such as those with blonde or red hair, freckles, light skin, and light eyes, are more prone to sunburn and have a higher risk of developing skin cancer than dark hair, eyes, and skin have a lower risk of developing skin cancer.

However, anyone can develop skin cancer regardless of their skin color.

Protect yourself and your skin this summer.

Outdoor Activities

UV rays are the strongest between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. because the sun is at its highest point in the sky, and UV rays have to travel less through the atmosphere.

We should schedule our activities and exercise routines for early morning or late evening to avoid the strongest UV rays of the day. If activities are during peak hours, protect your skin and body by applying plenty of sunscreen when spending time outdoors.

Wear Sunscreen

Everyone should wear sunscreen year-round, more so during the summer since the sun is at a more direct angle, which leads to more damaging UV radiation.

When selecting a sunscreen protection factor (SPF), pick a sunscreen lotion with a 30 or stronger SPF, and the higher the SPF in sunscreen, the more protected your skin is against UV radiation.

Drink Plenty of H20

Thousands of people succumb to heat-related deaths and illnesses in the States. As temperatures rise, so does our perspiration (sweating).

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will aid with keeping the body hydrated. If you are thirsty and have a dry mouth, your body is telling you that you are dehydrated.

The key is to drink more than the recommended 64 ounces of water daily, and adding electrolytes could prevent you from experiencing a heat-related illness.

Another option is to check your urine: a pale yellow to clear body is hydrated, while a dark to yellow body is dehydrated. So, pump up the water volume and be Smart!

Enjoy the summer season, and stay safe.

Be Smart this summer, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, limit outdoors during sun peak hours 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., let your body acclimate to the rising temperatures, and exercise early in the morning.

Lastly, wear loose-fitting, lightweight, and light color clothing to keep your body cool through the summer months.